International Women’s Day 2021


Internation women day

Celebrating our leaders, not with a rose, but with a voice.

An equal world is an empowered world. At Nemera, each individual is unique with a unique story and we celebrate them all. The International Women’s day marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality giving us the perfect opportunity to celebrate.

Our colleagues across the globe share their thoughts on supporting women empowerment and women who inspire them or have contributed to who they are! We are proud of our diversity that enables us to solve problems, innovate, achieve good business outcomes and therefore positively impact patients’ lives.

"To me, women’s empowerment means investing in women educationally, psychologically, socially, economically, and politically. When we do this, women positively impact and influence everything in their path – whether it’s in the work place, at home, in sports, in their communities, and in other groups."

"I’ve carried stories of my great aunt, Angie Surlak or “Auntie Angie” as everyone called her, with me ever since childhood. Born in 1927 from a life of meager beginnings, she went on to play professional baseball, own her own trucking company, and purchase a house entirely on her own. At that time, being an independent unmarried woman was rare, let alone an outspoken woman who never hesitated to give her opinion. She lived a life full of adventure and accomplishment. I have admired her courage and conviction ever since I was a child, and often recall memories of her when I am looking for strength or comfort."

Lauren Mudrak, Business Development Manager, US

"Ich finde es wichtig, dass die Quote von Männern und Frauen insbesondere auch in Führungspositionen ausbalanciert ist. Sowohl Frauen als auch Männer haben verschiedene Ansichten oder Herangehensweisen bei Problemstellungen, Aufgabenlösungen oder der Teamführung. Nur durch ein ausgeglichenes Verhältnis der Quote, kann man die gegenseitigen Vorteile nutzen und zu einem bestmöglichen Ergebnis kommen."

"Ich habe keine konkrete weibliche Inspiration. Mich inspirieren vor allem alle Frauen in wichtigen Positionen, die einen großartigen Job machen und darüber hinaus auch noch eine Familie mit Kindern managen."

Emanuela Haenssler, HR-Specialist Payroll/Administration, Germany

"It is the right thing to do, it makes sense and it is TIME! And it also improves our teams performance & our lives…"

"There are many but I would say my mother who was a “May 68” leader at her high school in France and she always put gender equity and women empowerment as a prerequisite in our lives."

François-Xavier Casanova, Sales Effectiveness Director, France

"Pour que les femmes puissent aussi jouer leur rôle dans la société, tant au niveau économique, que social ou de éducatif. Cela permet également d’avoir une autre estime de soi/confiance en soi lorsque l’on peut s’impliquer sous différents aspects, et faire nos preuves."

"Nina Simone, exemple de persévérance, de réussite, et de modestie"

Céline Bruys, Quality Manager, France

"I support women’s empowerment so that the next generation won’t have to."

"My mother has always been the one to inspire me. As long as I can remember she made sure I knew that there were no limitations to what I could accomplish. She not only did this with encouraging words, but by modeling this in her own behavior. She has always been a strong advocate for women supporting women. I hope I can be that encouraging and supportive voice to others."

Molly Gord, Technology Manager, US

"I would like women to be able to use their full hidden potential both in their personal and professional lives"

"Martyna Wojciechowska - Polish journalist and traveler - for twelve years in her program "Woman at the End of the World" she has presented extraordinary stories of women from all over the world."

Paulina Pilawska, HR Manager, Poland

"La mixité et le rôle des femmes apportent beaucoup de valeur ajoutée dans l’équipe Procurement de Nemera et plus généralement parce qu’il y a encore des pays où la femme est loin d’avoir la place qu’elle devrait avoir."

"Ma fille. Elle n’a que 6 ans, et de par sa naïveté et son innocence, elle me permet de prendre de la hauteur sur beaucoup de sujets. Elle me dit souvent « détends toi papa, ce n’est pas grave » et elle a souvent raison ! "

Nicolas Rosaz, Procurement Director, France

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