The right route to take: the smart device that can help manage drug overdosing


At Nemera, we strive to offer solutions to prevent overdosing of potent drugs.

There is a wide range of drugs that are used for painkillers. As an example, opioid treatment is used to relieve pain with its rapid onset of action through unit-dose or multidose nasal drug delivery: opioids are a class of drugs including prescription painkillers such as fentanyl. Due to their pharmacological effects, they can cause difficulties with breathing, and opioid overdose can lead to death. Worldwide, about 0.5 million deaths are attributable to drug use. More than 70% of these deaths are related to opioids, with more than 30% of those deaths caused by overdose. In the USA, the number of people dying from opioid overdose increased by 120% between 2010 and 2018, and two-thirds of opioid-related overdose deaths in 2018 in the USA involved synthetic opioids, including fentanyl and its analogues.

On that account, Nemera developed a smart electronic concept device with child-resistant, dose counting and locking features, Safe’n’Spray, which offers solutions to prevent overdosing on potent drugs. It is an integrated device with a reusable electronic locking unit and fingerprint identification, to monitor drug dose delivery in a defined period of time to ultimately ensure patient’s safety. The device is intuitive, thanks to its interactive and animated user-interface which helps patients use the device correctly through audio and visual feedback. It has a simple display indicating the number of doses left and the remaining time for the next dose.

it is important to understand the patient journey from the beginning of the device concept to correctly address their pain-points to answer their needs. As a world-leading drug device combination solutions specialist, Nemera’s purpose of putting patients first enables the company to design and manufacture devices that maximise treatment efficacy. Through human factor studies, we ensure that the device features and parameters are set to ease patients’ life therefore improve their quality of life.

To read the full article: EPM January / February

To read the full magazine: EPM January/February – The right route to take

About Nemera

As a world-leading drug device combination solutions specialist, our purpose of putting patients first enables us to design and manufacture devices that maximize treatment efficacy. We are the utmost holistic partner and help our customers succeed in the sprint to market. From early device strategy to state-of-the-art manufacturing, we’re committed to the highest quality standards. Agile and open-minded, we work with our customers as colleagues. Together, we go the extra mile to fulfill our mission.
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